
Monday, August 25, 2014

First Week

Well the first week is over and I think it is safe to say we survived. Not going to say that it wasn’t crazy but I think we managed.

For the first week of school we talked about Chester Raccoon from “The Kissing Hand” by Audrey Penn. Since Kindergarten can be a very scary time for most students this helps them feel better about school. During open house we sent home a letter that asked parents to kiss their child’s hand on the first day of school so that when we read the story they would feel comfortable knowing that their parents loved them just like Mrs. Raccoon loves Chester.

At the end of the week we colored, cut, and glued our very own Chester. Ok Ok my sister cut Chester out for the kids because we didn’t want our first cutting project to be a disaster. We like to keep cutting simple at first.

Here are some of the completed raccoons. 

Now this week we are onto learning about the 7 habits. So far we have learned 1) be proactive, 2) begin with the end in mind, & 3) put first things first.
We are reading the stories out of the 7 Habits of Happy Kids picture book. They seem to love the stories and I think they are super cute as well.
Each morning when we come in we are coloring the habit from the day before and by the end of the week we will put them together to make a book.

Next week starts our reading series and the “real” learning begins.  

-Mrs. Lewis

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Classroom Reveal

Since my classroom seems to be where I spend most of my time I wanted it to be cozy and inviting. I wanted to like it because I know if I like it then I’m more receptive to the kids and they will enjoy learning. My poor husband never gets to see me, especially at the beginning of the school year.

I have a minor obsession with ALL things chevron, but if you ask my husband he might say otherwise.

Well here ya go, take a look

In the back of the room is where our classroom jobs or Now Hiring as I have it is posted. As well as our birthdays, 7 habits, habit of the week, and data wall.

I set up a giving tree for parents to grab apples to help get supplies that aren’t on the supply list. Well I think they ended up only taking 2 L Better luck next year I guess.

In the corner is the calendar wall and our behavior clip chart. I still haven’t printed our classroom rules because..well..I’ve been slacking.

It’s still a work in progress but it is definitely getting there. Thanks for taking a peek and check back soon for some fun things that we are learning.

-Mrs. Lewis