have been slacking majorly on posting. I told myself that I would post at least
once a week even though I knew there would be weeks here and there that I would
miss, well it has been a month and here I am. I know I know I need to pick it
up but life happens which also makes it hard.
In the past month we have been working hard at learning our letters and sounds,
as the end of the first quarter approaches we are testing them to see how much
they have leaned and I am very pleased at the progress we have made.
it comes to Science and Social Studies we have been doing a lot and working
hard. The last two weeks of September was apple and Johnny Appleseed. On Friday
the 26th we did an apple rotation with three other classes. The kids
first got to make an apple out of paper, which was in my class. We tore red
paper and glued it to a small paper plate. The they went to another class and
did sequencing with Johnny Appleseed, next they got to hear the apple star
story and cut into an apple and see the star it made inside. Lastly, and one of
my favorites they got to make headbands that looked like Johnny’s Pot. I think
it was safe to say they enjoyed it and are ready to do it again.
that day we did an apple tasting to see what kind of apple flavor things they
liked the most. Our parents were so nice enough to donate items so each child
could experience in the fun. Some of the things we tried were, applesauce,
juice, pie, cider and applejacks.
that October is here we just finished Fire Safety. They learned lots of fun
things about staying safe if there is a fire and what to do if we had fire on
us. They had so much fun practicing and laughing doing Stop, Droll, and Roll.
After it was all said and done I have them an award.
In their homework they had to create a Fire Safety Plan and where their family would meet if there every was a fire.
are moving onto Christopher Columbus and Pumpkins. Catch back soon to see what
we have done!
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